Exam: Endpoint Security
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ATTENTION: This is currently offered at no cost, but only allows one retake with-in 30 days of registration. Once you start exam you have 120 minutes to complete.  There is no additional support or restarts provided so please make preparations to take this exam serious.  Expect level of difficulty to be considered challenging and not for beginner or new users to the product.

Trellix Endpoint Security (formerly, McAfee Endpoint Security) 10.7.1 Proficiency Exam has been designed for candidates who administer and support Trellix ENS and have one to three years of experience with this product.  This exam allows candidates to demonstrate knowledge in the following key product areas:

- Product Overview
- Installation
- Migration and Upgrade
- Threat Prevention
- Firewall
- Web Control
- Adaptive Threat Protection
- Troubleshooting
- Client Common Configuration

You must achieve a score of 80% or better to pass.

The approximate time required to take the exam is 120 minutes.
Contact your regional Trellix Training team